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What is a LipoLaser?


LipoLaser is a low level laser that penetrates into the targeted fats cells.  It creates pores and releases the fatty triglycerides.  These flow out of the disrupted fat cells and into the interstitial space, gradually passing through the body’s natural metabolic functions with no harmful physiological effects, to be used as an  energy source for the body.  The process does not alter neighboring structures such as skin, blood vessels and  peripheral nerves. It is not merely the liquefaction of fat but instead it is the instant  breakdown of the fat cells, otherwise known as lipolysis. 


What happens during a VibroLight session?


On the day of appointment, hydrate well with water, before and after treatment. Without extra water it will be more difficult for your body to eliminate the contents released from the treatment.  No food 2 hours before and at least one hour after your treatment.  Avoid carbohydrates 3 hours before and after, especially all sugars and anything made from grain.  Glucose, from carbohydrates, immediately enters the blood and signals the body to stop burning fat— larger amounts of glucose will trigger fat accumulation again.


For your first visit, arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled time to complete paper work and to be weighed and measured. Wear loose comfortable or athletic clothing to help hold the paddles in place.  For certain treatments you will be required to wear only  your bra and panties. 


Up to 8 paddles, containing the laser diodes, are placed over the treatment area and secured in direct  contact with the skin using elastic straps. Vacuum suction is set to a comfortable level.  Treatment then begins.  Depending on what program and what area is being treated, your session will last 22 to 28  minutes while standing on the vibration plate.


What areas can be treated?


Areas that can be treated on men and women are the Abdomen, Flanks, Buttocks, Hips, Inner/Outer Thighs, Knees, Back Fat and Upper Arms. By positioning the laser pads on these areas, fat can  selectively be broken down and eliminated. 


Who is a good candidate? 


Most men and women are good candidates for VibroLight.  The ideal candidate for laser lipolysis has less than 31% body fat, is in good health, and has isolated pockets of removable fat. Candidates with too much fat are more likely to not see dramatic results. All patients should be advised that laser lipolysis is not a substitute for healthy diet and exercise.  Your lymphatic system is a big part of this  procedure, and can create undesired results if it is sluggish or inactive.   It is recommended that each patient is evaluated based on body type and lifestyle so that reasonable expectations may be set for VibroLight  results.


Can everyone have the treatment? 


As with most treatments, there are a few medical conditions that would stop us from performing the  treatment. Rest assured, your VibroLight technician will go through a full health and medical questionnaire with you before your first treatment to ensure you are suitable. This will also include a detailed explanation of the treatment and time for any questions you may have. We will not be able to treat anyone who suffers from the following :


· Epilepsy (photosensitive)

· Currently pregnant

· Fitted with a pacemaker

· Cancer or previous history of cancer

· Diabetes (insulin dependant)

· Kidney or liver problems

· Keloid scarring in the treatment area


We will be able to treat you if you have a GP letter of permission for any of the following:


· Hypothyroidism (controlled by thyroxin)

· Rheumatism

· Polycystic ovaries

· Hormone problems

· Gastric ulcers

· Metal implants

· Anaphylaxis

· Taking anti-seizure medication

· Taking blood thinners

· Have a photosensitive skin disorder

· Any dysfunction of the nervous system (Muscular sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease)


Are There Any Risks?


There are no known risks associated with low-level cold laser therapy. This treatment causes no discomfort before, during or after the treatment.  VibroLight uses a vacuum which is tested each time for your comfort level.  It may cause a slight redness that diminishes within an hour or -rarely, mild bruising where the paddle is placed.   VibroLight does not hurt and any marks look more like a hicky than a bruise, and subsides within a day or two.


What Actually Happens To The Fat?


The paddle emits low level laser energy which disrupts the fat cell membranes releasing intra-cellular fat. This causes the cell to lose its round shape by changing the permeability of the cell membrane. It’s like a grape turning into a raisin.

Triglycerides spill out from the broken cell membranes.  They are released into the interstitial space, and slowly transported through the body’s natural metabolic functions to be used by the body as an energy source. This mechanism of action is not “liquefaction of fat” but rather the instant breakdown of the fat cells (also referred to as lipolysis).

The fat cells are undamaged, but empty of their contents – water, glycerol and free fatty acids. Following a treatment, the glycerol (or sugar) is rapidly absorbed by the body. The water carries some of the free fatty acids through the lymphatic system to the kidneys then out of the body through urine. The rest is  metabolized as energy through normal cellular processes and utilized during the treatment time on the vibration plate.


Will The Fat Return?


LipoLaser does not damage or remove the fat cell from the body. When the fat leaves the cells, the cells remain intact and collapse to their "unloaded" size. If poor diet and lifestyle habits continue and greater calories are eaten than expended through activity, then the body will store the excess calories and the fat cells may begin to retain fat again. Long-term results will best be achieved through a healthy and active  lifestyle. 


Is It Risk Free?


Low-level lasers have been in use for over 40 years in the treatment of chronic pain, wound healing and other orthopedic conditions. The Class 3B Cold red lasers do penetrate the skin but only to a depth of a maximum of 13mm. This safeguards against any side effects or potential damage to organs and blood vessels. A key benefit of LipoLaser is that the process does not remove fat cells as such, and so there is no risk of new fat being stored in other, perhaps more dangerous- areas around the body. With endorsement from leading medical and cosmetic practitioners and the fact that the basis of the treatment is well proven in the sports injury arena, clients can be reassured that this revolutionary new procedure really is risk-free.



Traditional liposuction removes fat by inserting a hollow stainless steel tube that “vacuums” out fat  loosened by  prodding through numerous incisions. Traditional liposuction surgery requires  inpatient treatment. Liposuction  requires   multiple incisions that can be painful for patients.  The LipoLaser procedure uses nothing but laser energy to safely penetrate the skin without making an incision.


Shrinking fat cells using LipoLaser is notoriously quicker than traditional methods, and it’s also 100% non-invasive and nonsurgical. The cool laser light targets specific fat cells causing them to release stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol  making them shrink without an aggressive or harmful  extraction.

Traditional Liposuction vs LipoLaser

Open by appointment only 


Monday & Wednesday           10:00 am-5:00 pm

Tuesday & Thursday               3:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Friday & Saturday                 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


All rights reserved.  Dangerous Curves 2018

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